Gynaecological Services

Dr. Payal provides ample care for women of all ages. She offers a number of services to her patients ranging from menstruation to menopause, following latest treatments and medical procedures.

  • Fibroids
  • Abortion / Termination of pregnancy
  • Sexual issues


Non-cancerous growths in the uterus that can develop during a woman's childbearing years. The cause of fibroids isn't well understood. Risk factors include a family history of fibroids, obesity or early onset of puberty.
Symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods and pelvic pain. In some cases, there are no symptoms. Treatments include medication and removal of the fibroid.
According to Dr. Payal , this Fibroids disease is not at all complicated and it is very easy to defeat it.

Abortion / Termination of pregnancy

An abortion is a way of ending an unwanted pregnancy, either through using Medicines (drugs) or a surgical procedure. The Medical termination act of India (1971) allows termination of a pregnancy till 12 weeks under the supervision of one qualified doctor and up to 20 weeks (under certain circumstances only) In general the earlier an abortion is performed during pregnancy, the lesser are the procedure related complications. The decision to have an abortion is a matter between you and your healthcare team. All information and treatment is confidential. This means that information about you is not be shared with anyone else. Please make sure that you have appropriate and accurate information about the different methods of abortion that can be used at your stage of pregnancy and the possible risks associated with them. The decision to end a pregnancy is in most cases associated with substantial mental stress and guilt.

Medical abortion

What is it?
Medical abortion means getting rid of the pregnancy with the help of medicines or drugs. The earlier these medicines are taken better is the results.
What are the benefits of a medical abortion?
The biggest advantage of a medical advantage is that it is totally private. No one may ever come to know of it. There is no need for a hospital or operation theater admission. There is no need for any anesthesia and we avoid all side effects associated with the anesthetic drugs. It is a cheaper option as compared to surgery. The medicines are usually very safe and the process does not affect your future conception.

Sexual Issues

Sex is a healthy and important part of married life for any couple. But often there are issues like painful sex, loss of interest, hygiene issues etc which can play havoc in someone’s life. It is important to discuss these issues with your gynaecologist as there may be some infection or medical problem at the background.
Dr. Payal is an excellent counsellor and has taken many sessions around Sexual issues in schools located in Delhi and NCR. She specializes in preparing young minds for periods and puberty, health and dietary needs and sexual abuse.

Adolescent Gynaecology

Adolescent gynaecology includes the treatment of various gynaecological conditions that take place during adolescence like puberty problems, vaginal bleeding, adolescent menstrual problems, PCOD/PCOS, adolescent endometriosis, genetical developmental disorders, etc.
Dr. Payal is an excellent counsellor and has taken many sessions around adolescent gynaecology in schools located in Delhi and Delhi. She specializes in preparing young minds for periods and puberty, health and dietary needs and sexual abuse.

Genetic Disorders Counselling

Dr. Payal Agarwal provides counselling on Genetic Disorders Counselling in which she advices the individuals or families who are at a risk of or affected by genetic disorders and helps them understand and adapt to the medical and psychological implications of genetic contributions to the disease.

Gynaecological Obstetric Consultations

Dr. Payal Agarwal consults about anything and everything related to women’s health, gynaecological obstetrics - pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post pregnancy, labor and delivery. Patients and their well-being is the most important priority for Dr. Payal Agarwal .